Hi! Guess what? You can read PDF versions of our entire back catalog for free.
Check ‘em out below. And happy reading!
Zombies and foxes and poems and novels and more …
The Gas Light Man Comes to Night: The one about a girl who hated darkness before she came to love it, because it was in darkness that she learned to see.
Davey Dobbs is NOT SUPPOSED TO: The one about all the crazy and wonderful things that happen when you start to live your own story.
Moldylocks and the Bear: The one with a zombie, a bear, and a bit of musical theater.
Scar and the Wolf: The one with a zombie, a haggis, and a Jimmy Buffet Easter egg.
Jack Jenk Shouts Love: The one where a seemingly simple boy changes the world —with a shout.
The United States of Anagram: The one where we anagram "Albuquerque" (and 300 other places).
Messy Blessings: The one with gratitude for underloved things.
Ooh Odd Zoo: The one with a poem about an adorable maggot.
Goodnight Tomb: The bedtime story with zombies.
How Foxes Got Their Meander: The one with the other contestant in the great tortoise-hare race.
Word Things: The one where the words ARE the pictures.
The Man Who Walked in Salt: The sad one with the great illustrations.
The Island of Slippery Souls: The one with the cool-grandmother protagonist.
I Love U: The one that's the most U's-full.
Why Read to Kids: Read our white paper on why reading aloud to kids a little every day is basically the cure for … well, everything.