Do you ever feel like you’re living someone else’s story and not your own?
Well, that’s Davey Dobbs. He always does what he’s SUPPOSED TO, like play soccer, go to math tutoring, and take violin lessons. But then something unexpected happens, which launches Davey into a series of adventures he is NOT SUPPOSED TO have — adventures involving stegosaur stampedes, rocket-cycle joyrides, pirate-ship battles, and more.
Meanwhile, there’s a mob of coaches, tutors, teachers, and parents chasing Davey, trying to capture him for their own stories.
They’re getting closer, and closer, and closer …
Note: Since this book is so visual, I’ve uploaded the first handful of pages as images. If you scroll down to the bottom of this post, you can download a free PDF version of the entire book.
— Jeff
… Download the PDF to read the rest of the story.
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